ISI Journal :
1. Zeeshan Memon Anjum; Dalila Mat Said; Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Hafiz Mudassir Munir, Faisal Alsaif and Sager Alsulamy. “” Effective Determinictic Methodology for Enhanced Distribution Network Performance and Plug-in Electric Vehicles”, Sustainability, April 2023.
2. Zohaib Hussain Leghari, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Dalila Mat Said, Laveet Kumar, Mahesh Kumar, Quynh T. Tran and Eleonora Riva Sanseverino.” Effective Utilization of Distributed Power Sources under Power Mismatch Conditions in Islanded Distribution Networks.”Energies, March 2023
3. Zeeshan Memon Anjum; Dalila Mat Said; Mohammad Yusri Hassan; Zohaib Hussain Leghari; Gul Sahar. “Parallel Operated Hybrid Arithmetic-Salp Swarm Optimizer for Optimal Allocation of Multiple Distributed Generation Units in Distribution Networks”, Plos One. April 2022. (IF:3.24)
4. Sohrab Mirsaeidi; Shangru Li; Subash Devkota; Jinghan He; Meng Li; Xiaojun Wang; Charalambos Konstantinou; Dalila Mat Said; Kashem M. Muttaqi. “Reinforcement of Power System Performance Through Optimal Allotment of Distributed Generators Using Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms”, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology, vol. 17, pp. 2617–2630. April 2022. (IF:1.528)
5. Sohrab Mirsaeidi; Shangru Li; Subash Devkota; Meng Li; Jinghan He; Dimitrios Tzelepis2; Charalambos Konstantinou; Dalila Mat Said. “A Power Loss Minimization Strategy Based on Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Energy Resources”, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 35. July 2022. (IF:1.436)
6. Sohrab Mirsaeidi; Mahmuda Rahman; Jinghan Hea Geye Lu; Dalila Mat Said; Charalambos Konstantinou; Meng Li; Kashem M. Muttaqe; Xinzhou Dong. “Comparison of Different Power Flow Techniques for Power Grid Vulnerability Assessment Against Symmetrical Faults Using Bus Impedance Matrix”, Electric Power Systems Research, vo. 212. November 2022. (IF:3.818)
7. Abba Lawan Bukar, Chee Wei Tan, Dalila Mat Said, Abdulhakeem Mohammed Dobi, Razman Ayop, Abdulgader Alsharif. Energy Management strategy and Capacity Planning of an Autonomous Microgrid: Performance Comparison and Metaheuristic Optimization Searching Techniques. Renewable Energy Focus vol. 40, pp. 48-66. March 2022.
8. Leghari, Zohaib Hussain; Hassan, Mohammad Yusri; Said, Dalila Mat; et al.” An Efficient Framework for Integrating Distribution generation and Capacitor Units for Simultaneous Grid- Connected and Islanded Network Operations” International Journal of Energy Research, vol.45, pp. 14920-14958. April 2021 (IF:5.164)
9. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Xinzhou Dong, Dimitrios, Dalila Mat Said, Jinghan He & Campbell Booth. “A Controllable Thyristor-Based Commutation Failure Inhibitor for LCC-HVDC Transmission Systems” IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.36, pp. 3781- 3792. April 2021. (IF:6.812)
10. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Xinzhou Dong, Dimitrios, Dalila Mat Said, Adam Dysko & Campbell Booth. “A Predictive Control Strategy for Mitigation of Commutation Failure in LCC- Based HVDC Systems”. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.34, pp. 160-172. J87048704an 2019. (IF:6.812)
11. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Xinzhou Dong & Dalila Mat Said. “Towards Hybrid AC/DC microgrids: Critical Analysis and Classification of Protection Strategies.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (RSER)vol.90, pp. 97–103, July 2018. (IF:9.184)
12. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohammad Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad HafizHabibuddin. “Fault Location and Isolation in Micro-Grids Using a Digital Central Protection Unit.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (RSER), vol.56,pp. 1–17, April 2016. (IF:5.901)
13. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohammad Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad Hafiz Habibuddin. “Modelling and Simulation of a Communication-Assisted Digital Protection Scheme for Micro-Grids." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. (RSER)vol.57, pp. 867–878, May 2016. .(IF:5.901).
14. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohammad Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad HafizHabibuddin, Kimia Ghaffari. Microprocessor-Based Protection for Different Type Microgrid Faults.” Electronics World. Volume: 122 Issue:1957, January 2016. pg: 12- 18.
15. Syarifuddin Nojeng, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Member, Dalila Mat Said, Member, Md. Pauzi Abdullah and Faridah Hussin. Harmonic Distortion Contribution for The Transmission Loss Allocation In Deregulated Energy Market: A New Scheme For Industry Consumer. Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Technology, Vol. 10, No. 5,pp. 1-7. 2015.(IF: 0.517)
16. S Mirsaeidi, DM Said, MW Mustafa, MH Habibuddin. “A protection strategy for micro- grids based on positive-sequence component.” IET Renewable Power Generation. Volume 9, Issue 6 August 2015, p. 600 – 609. (IF: 3.488)
17. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohammad Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad HafizHabibuddin, Kimia Ghaffari.” Design And Testing of A Centralized Protection Scheme For Micro-Grids.” Journal Of Central South University Volume: 22 Issue:10 October 2015 pp: 3876-3887, (IF:0.52).
18. Syarifuddin Nojeng, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Dalila Mat Said, Md. Pauzi Abdullah and Faridah Hussin. Improving the MW-Mile Method Using the Power Factor-Based Approach for Pricing the Transmission Services. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 29, No. 5,pp. 2042-2048.September 2014.(IF: 5.255)
19. Mohammad Asif ul Haq, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Hayati Abdullah, Hasimah Abdul Rahman, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Faridah Hussin, Dalila Mat Said. “A review on lighting control technologies in commercial buildings, their performance and affecting factors”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 33 (2014) pp. 268–279.(IF: 5.627)
20. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd. Wazir Mustafa, Mohd. Hafiz Habibuddin and Kimia Ghaffari. “Progress and Problems in Micro-Grid Protection Schemes”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (RSER), vol.37, pp. 834-839, September 2014. (IF: 5.51)
21. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd. Wazir Mustafa, Mohd. Hafiz Habibuddin and Kimia Ghaffari. “An Analytical Literature Review of the Available Techniques for the Protection of Micro-Grids”. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (IJEPES), vol. 58, pp. 300-306, June 2014. (IF: 3.432)
SCOPUS Journal :
1. Tinton Dwi Atmaja, Dalila Mat Said, Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus, Ahmad Fudholi, Nasarudin Ahmad, Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Haznan Abimanyu “Component degradation and system deterioration: An overview of early termination of PV-DG microgrid system”, Journal of Mechatronics, Electrical Power and Vehicular Technology, vol.13, pp. 201-213. December 2022.
2. Nur Adrinna Shafiqa Zakaria, Dalila Mat Said, Norzanah Rosmin, Nasarudin Ahmad, Mohamad Shazwan Shah Jamil, Sohrab Mirsaeidi4 “Comparison Analysis of Different Classification Methods of Power Quality Disturbances”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol.12, pp. 5754-5764. December 2022.
3. Alaa Hamza Omran; Dalila Mat Said; Siti Maherah Hussin; Sadiq H. Abdulhussain. “Photovoltaic System DC Series Arc Fault: A Case Study”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol. 28, pp. 625-635. November 2022.
4. Zeeshan Anjum Memon, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Dalila Mat Said, Zohaib Hussain Leghari, and Pervez Hameed Shaikh. A Systematic Approach to Accommodate Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks with Optimal Integration of Distributed Generation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Vol 842, March 2022, pp. 339 – 352.
5. Alaa Hamza Omran, Dalila Mat Said, Sadiq H. Abdulhussain, Siti Maherah Hussin, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Model, Detection Method and Challenges in DC Arc Fault: A review”. Jurnal Teknologi, Vol 83, July 2021,pp.1-16.
6. Aida Fazliana Abdul Kadir, Hanisah Mupangat, Dalila Mat Said, Zulhani Rasin. “Reactive Power Analysis At Solar Power Plant.” Jurnal Teknologi, Vol. 83, Issue 2, March 2021, pp 47-55.
7. Haval Sardar Kamil, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad Reza Miveh, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Recent Advences in Phase-Locked Loop Based Synchronization Methods for Inverter Based Renewable Energy Sources.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.18, Issue 1, April 2020, pp 1-8.
8. Razali,A.H., Pauzi Abdullah, Md.,Hassan M.Y., Said, D.M., Hussin,F. “Net Energy Metering Scheme Based on Time of Use Pricing for Residents In Malaysia”. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.19, Issue 3, September 2020, pp 1140-1146.
9. Hussin, S.M, Salam, Z., Abdullah, M.P., Rosmin,N.,Said,D.M., And Rasid,M. “Future Hybrid Of Photovoltaic And Fuel Cell For Langkawi Skycab.” Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Vol.30, Issue 40, 2020, pp 1-8.
10. Haval Sardar Kamil, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad Reza Miveh, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Low Voltage Ride-through for Three-Phase Photovoltaic Systems using SRFPI Control Strategy”, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol.9, Issue 3, June 2019, pp 1524-1530.
11. Haval Sardar Kamil, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad Reza Miveh, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Low-Voltage Ride-Through Methods for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Systems in Microgrids: A Review and Future Prospect”, International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems, Nol.9, No. 4. December 2018, pp 1834-1841.
12. Nur Azrina Mohd Azman , Md Pauzi Abdullah , Mohammad Yusri Hassan , Dalila Mat Said4 , Faridah Hussin , Norzanah Rosmin, Siti Maherah Hussin. “Impact of Different Time of Use Electricity Pricing Structure on Residential Consumer.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 10, No. 3, June 2018, pp. 1053-1060
13. Nur Azrina Mohd Azman, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Dalila Mat Said, Faridah Hussin. “Enhanced Time of Use Electricity Pricing for Industrial Customers in Malaysia.” Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 6, No. 1, April 2017, pp. 155 -160.
14. Abba L. Bukar, Dalila M. Said , Babangida Modu, Abubakar Musa1, Abubakar K. Aliyu, Abdu Isah, Ibrahim Tijjani and Jamilu G. Ringim. An Improvement of Voltage Qualityin Low Voltage Distribution System Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 10, No 20, November, 2015.
15. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd. Wazir Mustafa, Mohd. Hafiz Habibuddin and Kimia Ghaffari, Review and Analysis of Existing Protection Strategies for Microgrids, International Journal of Electrical Systems (JES), vol. 10, issue 1, March 2014,pp. 1-10
16. Abdullahi Lanre Amoo*, Usman O. Aliyu, Dalila Mat Said, Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd Zin, and Abubakar Sadiq Bappah. “Monte Carlo Simulation of a Microgrid Harmonic Power Flow.” International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems 2014; 15(2): 129–140
17. Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd. Wazir Mustafa, Mohd. Hafiz Habibuddin and Mohammad Reza Miveh, A Comprehensive Overview of Different Protection Schemes in Micro-Grids, International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems (IJEEPS), vol. 14, issue 4, July 2013. pp. 327-332
1. Ahmad Rajani, Dalila Mat Said, Ahmad Fudholi, Zulkarnain Ahmad Noorden, Nasarudin Ahmad, Tinton Dwi Atmaja. “Off-Grid Photovoltaic-Biogas Hybrid System for an Indonesia Boarding School”. Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 22 No. 2 (2023): August, pp 37-46.
2. Tinton Dwi Atmaja, Dalila Mat Said, Sevia Mahdaliza Idrus, Ahmad Fudholi, Mohd Hafiz Habibuddin, Ahmad Rajani. “A Review of Failure Rate Models for Deterioration in Rural Microgrids: Evaluating Model Complexity and Data Extensiveness”. Journal of Electrical Engineering . Vol. 22 No. 1 (2023): April, pp 42-52.
3. Maryam Nabihah Zaidi, Dalila Mat Said, Aida Fazliana Abdul Kadir, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Harmonic Source Identification in Power Distribution System and Meter Placement using Network Impedance Approach”. Vol. 19 No. 2 (2020): August, pp 50-54.
4. Abdul Hafiz Razali, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Dalila Mat Said, Mohamad Yusri Hassan. “Annualized Electricity Cost of Residential Solar PV System under Malaysian’s NEM Scheme”. Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020): April, pp 40-45.
5. Nor Najwaton Nasir, Siti Maherah Hussin, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Norzanah Rosmin, Dalila Mat Said and Madihah Md Rasid. “Battery Energy Storage System in Peak Shaving Application.” Applications Of Modelling And Simulation. Vol 2, No. 3, 2018, pp.84-88.
6. Abubakar K.A , Dalila M.S , N.Ahmad , Abdirahman M.A , Abba L.B. “Optimization of Power Quality Monitors in Transmission System Network”. Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 16, no. 1, 2017, pp.6-10.
7. Hannah Naqiah Abdul Razak, Dalila Mat Said* and Nasarudin Ahmad. “Improved Analysis of DVR Performance for Voltage Sag Mitigation. ”. Journal of Electrical Engineering. Vol. 17, no. 3, 2018, pp.36-40.
8. R. Ismail , D. M. Said, N. Ahmad , M. P. Abdullah , M. Y. Hassan and A. O. Idris. “Optimization Method for Voltage Sag Monitor Placement in Power System”. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2018,pp.71-79.
9. Abba Lawan Bukar, Dalila Binti Mat Said, Babangida Modu, Abubakar Kabir Aliyu, Abubakar Musa, Umar Ali Benisheikh.” Design of a Non-Ideal Buck-Boost Converter”. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 7, July- 2015,pp. 392-397.
10. Hendri Novia Syamsir, Dalila Mat Said, Yusmar Palapa Wijaya. A Compact Design Of Multi-Feeder Data Logging System For Power Quality Measurement With a Multiplexer and a Single PQ Transducer. Vol.8, No.1 2017,pp. 1-10.
11. Abdullahi Lanre Amoo, M. S. Dalila & Ahmad Yusuf. “The Harmonics Power Characteristics of Lighting Loads.” Journal of Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology. 10(2), September 2015, pp.194-199.
Tinton Dwi Atmaja , Dalila Mat Said, Ahmad Fudholi, Ahmad Rajani, Nur Hazirah Zainal, Alaa Hamza Omran, Rudi Darussalam, Dian Andriani. Microgrid Management Framework for Addressing Performance Deterioration Challenges on Rural Off-Grid Electrification System.10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application 2022 (ICSEEA 2022). November 22-13, 2022.
Nur Hazirah Zainal, Dalila Mat Said, Al Malek Faizal Yunus, Mohd Adib Sarijari, Mohamed Shahriman Mohamed Yunus. Development Of Power Quality Analysis Using Labview. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECON2022. December 5-6, 2022)
Ahmad Rajani, Dalila Mat Said, Ahmad Fudholi, Tinton Dwi Atmaja, Nur Hazirah Zaina, Rudi Darussalam. Comparative Analysis on Photovoltaic Thermal (PVT) System using Monocrystalline Silicon and Polycrystalline Silicon Modules. 10th International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering and Application 2022 (ICSEEA 2022). November 22-13, 2022.
Nur Inaara Aiman Binti Fahmi, Dalila Binti Mat Said, Nur Hazirah Binti Zainal, Mohamed Shahriman Mohamed Yunus, Mohd Adib Bin Sarijari, Nasarudin Bin Ahmad. Mohd Shukri Dolah. Analysis of PV Module Performance and Electrical Parameters Based on Different Tilt Angles. 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICon EEI 2022). October 19-20, 2022.
Nik Mohd Syahirruddin Jusoh, Dalila Mat Said, Nasarudin Ahmad, Md PauziAbdullah, Norzanah Rosmin, Siti Maherah Hussin, Siti Aisyah Abd Wahid. Internet of Things System Through Message Queue Telemetry Tracking Protocol for Modernizing Red Chili Agriculture. The International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE2022), July 27- 28, Kuching Sarawak Malaysia.
Zeeshan Anjum Memon, Dalila Binti Mat Said, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Nasarudin Bin Ahmad, Norzanah Binti Rosmin, Siti Aisyah Binti Abd Wahid. Deterministic Approach to Maximize Accommodation of Plug in Electric Vehicles with improved system performance. The International Conference on Clean Energy (ICCE2022), July 27-28, Kuching Sarawak Malaysia.
Mansoor Soomro, Zubair Memon, Wazir Mustafa, Dalila Mat,Mazhar Hussain. Symmetrical Fault Assessment of Grid Integrated Doubly Fed Induction Generator Using Modified Super-twisting Fractional Order Terminal Sliding Mode Controller. July 27-28, Kuching Sarawak Malaysia.
Zeeshan Anjum Memon; Mohammad Yusri Hassan; Dalila Mat Said; Zohaib Hussain Leghari; Pervez Hameed Shaikh. “A Systematic Approach to Accommodate Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Distribution Networks with Optimal Integration of Distributed Generation”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol.842. March 2022.
Ali Inusa Malgwi, Abdullahi Lanre Amoo,Ya’u Shuaibu Haruna and Dalila bt Mat Said. “Compact Fluorescent And Light Emitting Diode Lamps In Microgrid Systems: Issues On Harmonics Penetration”. 11th International Conference On Energy, Power Systems Operation And Planning (ICEPSOP). Jan 2020.
Alaa Hamza Omran, Dalila Mat Said, Siti Maherah Hussin, Sadiq H. Abdulhussain and Nasarudin Ahmad. “A Survey of Different Dc Faults in A Solar Power System”. 2020 8th IEEE Conference On Systems, Process And Control (ICSPC2020). December 2020.
Sohrab Mirsaeidi, Jinghan He, Xinzhou Dong and Dalila Mat Said. A Fault Current Limiting Approach For Commutation Failure Prevention In LCC-HVDC Transmission Systems. 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). August 2020.
Alaa Hamza Omran, Dalila Mat Said, Siti Maherah Hussin, Sohrab Mirsaeidi and Yasser M. Abid. “An Intelligent Classification Method of Series Arc Fault Models Using Deep Learning Algorithm.” IEEE International Conference On Power And Energy (PECON 2020). December 2020.
Sohrab Mirsaeidi; Hanzhang Liu; Jinghan He; Dimitrios Tzelepis; Dalila Mat Said. Reduction of Commutation Failure Frequency in Hvdc Transmission Systems By Means Of An Improved Solid-State Fault Current Limiter. Ieee Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (ISPEC 2020). November 2020.
Najua Syuhada Ahmad Alhassora, Sharifah Hafizah Syed Ariffin, Dalila Mat Said, Farhan Mohamed4and Noorsidi Aizuddin Mat Noor. “Emotional Intelligence Among Young Scholars.” Leadership Symposium 2020 Proceeding UTM LEAD. October 2020.
Mohamed Fariz Abd Aziz and Dalila Mat Said. “Hostel Automation System Using Internet of Things (Iot). Proceedings Of 2020 Electrical Engineering Symposium (EES2020) Vol. 1 Power.
Shafira Attasha Shamsul Amir and Dalila Mat Said. “PV Sizing for Commercial Area in Malaysia By Considering New Nem Scheme.” Proceedings Of 2020 Electrical Engineering Symposium (EES2020) Vol. 1 Power.
Mohamad Afiq Syahmi Mohamed Rafi and Dalila Mat Said. “Fault Classification on Transmission Line Using Fuzzy Logic and Wavelet Transform.” Proceedings Of 2020 Electrical Engineering Symposium (EES2020) Vol. 1 Power.
Nur Shahidah Binti Omar, Dalila Mat Said, Muhammad Hariz Bin Mohd Sobri and Mohamad Asmadi Bin Aziz. "Indicator Development For Power Quality Monitoring Data." 1st National Technical Seminar 2019, NATECS. April 2019.
Haval Sardar Kamil, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad Reza Miveh, Norzanah Rosmin and Nasarudin Ahmad “DIgSILENT modelling of a four-leg power converter using a triangular carrier wave”, IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion (CENCON 2017), Jan 2018.
Haval Sardar Kamil, Dalila Mat Said, Mohd Wazir Mustafa, Mohammad Reza Miveh, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Control Strategy for a Three-Phase-Four-Leg Grid Connected PV Inverter under Unbalanced Faults”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2018).
Mohamad Asmadi Aziz, Dalila Mat Said. “Harmonic Distortion Reduction using Shunt Hybrid Power Filter”. Proceedings of 2018 Electrical Engineering Symposium (EES2018) - Vol. 1. pp.133-136.
Hannah Naqiah Abdul Razak, Dalila Mat Said. “Improved Analysis of DVR Performance for Voltage Sag Mitigation.” Proceedings of 2018 Electrical Engineering Symposium (EES2018) - Vol. 1.pp 129-132.
SM Hussin, S. Zemri, M.Y. Hassan,N.Rosmin, DM Said, 5,M. Rasid. “Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis of Grid-connected Photovoltaic and Fuel Cell Hybrid System for Langkawi SkyCab Operation”. Indonesia Malaysia Research Consortium Seminar & Conference. November 2018.pp. 43-51.
Zaris I.M.Y., Dalila M.S.*, Nasarudin A, Md Pauzi A. “Analysis on The Effect of Distribution Capacitors Operation Towards Total Harmonic Distortions (THD) in Distribution Network Test System.” 6th Conference On Emerging Energy & Process Technology. November 2017,pp. 1-5.
Tan Teck Ying, Dalila Mat Said, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Nasarudin Ahmad. “Voltage Fluctuation And Harmonic Emission Related To Light Emitting Diodes Lamps.” 6th Conference On Emerging Energy & Process Technology. November 2017.
Mohd Danish Ikram, Dalila Mat Said. “Evaluation of Fault Parameter in Power Distribution System.” Electrical Engineering Symposium (EES). May 2016. pp.218-22.
Nur Azrina Mohd Azman, Md Pauzi Abdullah, Mohammad Yusri Hassan, Dalila Mat Said, Faridah Hussin. “Enhanced Time of Use Electricity Pricing for Industrial Customers in Malaysia.” 1st International Conference in Electrical Electronic Control and Communication (ICEECC2016), 2016.
Amoo,A.L. Aliyu, U.O. ; Bakare, G.A. ; Said, D.M. ; Hassan, M.Y.” Harmonicmeasurements and analyses in distribution infrastructure feeding selected institutions in Malaysia and Nigeria.” 2015 Clemson University Power Systems Conference. PCS 2015. March 10-13, Greenville GSP, USA.
Norzanah Rosmin , Muhammad Al Hafizi Amran, Faridah Hussin , Aede Hatib Musta’amal and Dalila Mat Said. “Experimental Study for the Savonius-Darrieus Blade for Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) System.”Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT2015) 15-16 December 2015,pp. 50-56.
Norzanah Rosmin , Muhammad Al Hafizi Amran, Faridah Hussin, Aede Hatib Musta’amal and Dalila Mat Said. “Experimental Study for the Savonius-Darrieus Blade for Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) System.” Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT2015) 15-16 December 2015. pp 1-6.
Siti Harisa Mada , Dalila.Mat Said , Nasarudin Ahmad , Zaris Izzati and Norzanah Rosmin. “Harmonic Analysis using Time Series Simulation in Power Distribution System”. Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT2015) 15-16 December 2015.pp. 1-9.
Abubakar K.A , Dalila M.S , N.Ahmad ,Abdirahman M.A , Abba L.B. “Optimization of Power Quality Monitors in Transmission System Network.” Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT2015) 15-16 December 2015,
Z. I. M. Yassin, D. M. Said , N. Ahmad, N. Rosmin and F.Salim. “Review on Energy Saving Analysis of Harmonic Suppression in a Distribution Network.” Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology (CONCEPT2015) 15-16 December 2015.
F. Salim, K. M. Nor, D. M. Said, A. A. A. Rahman. “Voltage Sags Cost Estimation for Malaysian Industries.” IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, PECON 2014. December 1-3, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
Soh, T.L.G., Said, D.M., Ahmad, N., Nor, K.M., Salim, F. “A Simple Modeling Technique of Harmonic Analysis for Transformer.” IEEE Conference on Energy Conversion, CENCON 2014, October 13-14,pp. 434-439, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Soh, T.L.G., Said, D.M.,Ahmad, N., Nor, K.M., Salim, F. “Experimental Study on The Impact of Harmonics on Transformer.” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, PEOCO 2013, pp. 686-690, Langkawi, Malaysia.
Amoo, A.L., Said, D.M.,Yusuf, A., Mohd Zin, A.A. “Harmonic power flow in Nigerian Power system with PV site.” Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 7th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference, PEOCO 2013, pp. 319-323, Langkawi, Malaysia.
C.K.Farhana, K.M.Nor and D.M.Said. “Time Series Simulation of the Impact of Harmonics Using Measured Harmonic Data.” 2012 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 2012), December 2-5, 2012, Sabah, Malaysia.
F.Salim, K.M.Nor, D.M.Said and M.S.Serwan. “A System–Wide Power Quality Monitoring using Machine-to-Machine Wireless Broadband Technology.” 15th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP 2012), June 124-129, 2012, Hong Kong.
F.Salim, K.M.Nor and D.M.Said. “Experience in online power quality monitoring through VPN.” 15th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP 2012), June 17-20, 2012, Hong Kong.
C.K.Farhana, K.M.Nor, D.M.Said and F.Salim. “Impact Study of Practical Harmonic Data Using Time Series Simulation.” 15th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP 2012), June 17-20, 2012, Hong Kong.
D. M. Said, K. M. Nor and M. S. Majid. “Analysis of Distribution Transformer Losses and Life Expectancy using Measured Harmonic Data.” 14 th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP 2010), September 26-30, 2010, Bergamo Italy.
Dalila M.S, Khalid M.N and Md Shah.M, “Loss Evaluation of Transformer Supplying Non-sinusoidal Load Current using Measured Harmonic Data.” Power Quality Symposium (PQS 2010), July 13-14, 2010, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
M.S Dalila, M.N Khalid and M. Md Shah. “Distribution Transformer Losses Evaluation under Non-Linear Load” Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'09), September 27-30, 2009, Adelaide, Australia.
D.M.Said and K.M.Nor. “Effects of Harmonics on Distribution Transformers” Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC'08), December 14 17, 2008, Sydney Australia.
D.M.Said and K.M.Nor. “Simulation of the Impact of Harmonics on Distribution Transformers” 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy (PECon 08), December 1-3, 2008, Johor Baharu, Malaysia.
Dalila Mat Said and Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd. Zin. “Harmonic Measurement and Simulation to Improve Power Supply Quality”, Focus Group Seminar, Johor Bahru (Malaysia), 7 May 2003.
Dalila Mat Said and Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd. Zin. “Power Supply Quality Improvement from Harmonic Measurement and Simulation”, National Power and Energy Conference (PECon 2003), Bangi (Malaysia), 15-16 December 2003.
Power Quality Standards and Regulations in Malaysia. Achievement, Issues and Challenges. 2011 Penerbit UTM, ISBN 978-967-52-0816-4.
Teaching Module – Prinsip Kejuruteraan Elektrik
1. “A Comprehensive Study Of Various DC Faults And Detection Methods In Photovoltaic System”. A Comprehensive Study of Various DC Faults and Detection Methods. Springer. July 2022.
2. “Development of An Intelligent Solar Tracking System Using Deep Learning Algorithm”. Energy Sustainability: From Supply To Demand. CEES UTM. December 2021.
1. Keynote Speaker The 2022 2nd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems(EEPS 2022); Shanghai, China, August 26-28, 2022
2. Keynote Speaker 9th Conference on Emerging Energy and Process Technology 2021 (CONCEPT9), Malaysia, Nov 24-25, 2021
3. Speaker IEEE PES Malaysia Research Discourse 2021, Power Quality: Introduction, Measurement & Monitoring, Sept 18, 2021
4. Seminar 1 for Energy Commission personnel members on “Power Quality Monitoring”, Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, July 12, 2010.
5. Seminar 2 for Energy Commission personnel members on “Power Quality Data Analysis”, Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, July 18-19, 2011.
6. Seminar 3 for Energy Commission personnel members on “Power Quality Standard”, Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Putrajaya, April 24-25, 2012.
7. Power Quality Stakeholder Workshop 2012 on “Harmonic Analysis”, Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur, October 22, 2012.
8. Power Quality Symposium 2010, 13-14 July 2010, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur.